Saturday, August 11, 2007

Language Issues

I had my second lesson today, and luckily, I have not made any other embarrassing mistakes addressing people. However, for 7 weeks now, when I walk into a store, I've thought that I heard people say "morning" regardless of what time it is here. Sometimes I say "morning" back and giggle in my head. Well, the joke is on me because they are not saying "morning," they are saying the word meaning "spirited greeting" and sounds like "morning". Sam clued me in and I've checked with other people, and it's true, I am an idiot. In my defense though, Chinese adaption of American and other Western slang, interpretation, etc are pretty bad.

My English has gotten pretty bad too. I use very basic, one-syllable English words because about 1/2 of the people I deal with, even at work, know very basic English. And with my ayi, all sentences are noun and verb --- "Sydney eat?" "Sydney sleep?" Her sentences aren't that remedial but when I use more than 2 or 3 words, she doesn't understand me. Also, I find myself grasping for words when I talk to Sam or to fluent English speakers. I'm also passing my bad English along to Sydney. I find myself saying these things all too frequently --"Sydney no eat" (transalation: that's not something that you should eat), "Sydney no touch," "Sydney touch and big trouble!" "Bowl finished" (translation: there' s no food left in the bowl). So when we get back to the states and Sydney is in remedial classes, you'll know why.

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