Monday, August 20, 2007

Only in China Stories

Here are a couple of stories from this week's "Sh" magazine:
  • Xuzhou, a city in Jiangsu province, temporarily lost power earlier this week as police tried to coax a deaf woman down from an electricity tower. It took 8 hours in order to do so. Police learned that the woman fled her house because her mother and stepfather tried to force her into marrying someone she did not want to. As an act of protest against her parents, she climbed up the tower. (Couldn't she just run up her parent's credit cards like other kids???)
  • a restaurant in Beijing has expanded its location to add 3 "abreaction rooms" where customers may release emotional tension caused by a traumatic experience. There are silhouettes of a man and woman painted on the wall in these rooms. Customers then choose from a selection of plates or porcelain bowls to hurl at the silhouettes. The dishware ranges in price between 10RMB and 200RMB. Some residents in Beijing think that the restaurant is encouraging violence and are boycotting the restaurant. Others are staying away because they feel that their safety is at risk.

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