Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I'm not a big fan of mooncakes, which are usually stuffed with bean paste, egg yolk, or basically anything you can think of. But they are pretty to look at. The one pictured above is one Sydney received from her school. I can't begin to describe what was inside the cake but it was not good. But it was a lovely thought from her school, and it's the thought that counts.

There are 2 stories that are associated with the mooncakes. The first story was recounted in the prior post. The second story involves the liberation of the Chinese from the Mongols in the 13th century. The Chinese wanted to stage an uprising among the population but didn't know how to get the word out to everyone. So they decided to bake the plans for the rebellion into the mooncakes, which the Mongols did not eat. Families were instructed to not eat the mooncakes until the moon festival, which was when the rebellion took place.

Rest assured that there was no message in the mooncake provided by Sydney's school.

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