Friday, October 5, 2007

Home Sweet Home (Sort of)

We arrived in Shanghai on time last night, which was nice. I always expect at least an hour delay when I fly. It was a 10 hour flight, but it felt much, much longer because Sydney napped for about 1.5 hours and I had to entertain her for about 8.5 hours. On a plane. In coach. The backpack of toys and books only distracted her for a couple of hours. The rest was me. Signing. Tickling. Making up stories. Doing hand puppets. I don't even remember how I was able to keep her entertained all that time.

I was so glad to get home last night. As much as I love to travel, I've never enjoyed living out of a suitcase. But I did enjoy unpacking a suitcase full of clean clothes - clean, soft and perfectly folded, as usual. But then I got ready for bed and having to brush my teeth with bottled water made me start missing Australia.

Sydney and I had a rough night last night because after a week of sleeping in the same room with me, Sydney wasn't ready to give up that part of her vacation yet. She's been able to reach a new octave in her screaming. It's impressive and annoying. She also hasn't realized that I'm not so worried about her throwing a temper tantrum here as I was in the hotel and on the airplane. Hopefully, it will only take a couple of days to get back to our normal routine.

1 comment:

mamabunga said...

Your adventures make me laugh with delight! It made me miss our vacation to was actually our honeymoon. What fun! How lucky Sydney is to have seen so many wonderful places at such a young are a great mom! Hope the adjustment to "home" was too bad. :)
Take care!