Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Last Weekend

This is our last weekend in Shanghai, and Sydney's first weekend without her toys. The weekend started off great --- Sydney spent Friday afternoon playing with her classmates on the school playground. The kids are always more rambunctious on Friday afternoons than any other days and the other Moms and I always joke that somehow they understand that the school week is over. The pictures on this post are from the playground last Friday. Sydney has not been sleeping well since our things were picked up to be shipped to Dallas. She's fine and happy during the day but she has had nightmares a couple of nights, one of which she woke up screaming for her blanket (which was right next to her), and she's been getting up in a cranky mood. It will be another 5 days until she is reunited with her things, and hopefully she will be back to her normal self --- that is, after she gets over jet lag, gets settled in the house, and gets adjusted to her new daycare. I was going to have our ayi babysit for me on Saturday so that I can get my last $20 massage in Shanghai. But she has been so weepy and sentimental about Sydney leaving this week, that I've been nervous to leave them alone together. Our ayi asked me last week to take her and her husband with me to Dallas. I was so surprised that she asked, and she was very disappointed when I said no. Even if I wanted to bring her, it is not as easy as just buying her plane tickets and it would not be something that I could make happen in a week. I had to send her home early because I just felt uncomfortable with her being so disappointed, and she practically ran out of the house. Actually, I have had sent her home early several times last week because she keeps following Sydney and I around the house, watching us play -- like a stalker. She even stands at the bathroom door to watch Sydney go potty. She'll stroke Sydney's hair and look so longingly at Sydney while I'm holding Sydney or playing with her. I know that she loves Sydney and I appreciate that she has taken such good care of Sydney, but as I've said before, I think she is too attached to Sydney and it makes me nervous. I'm not leaving her alone with Sydney until we leave. And I'm dreading their last good bye on Thursday.
We started our Saturday morning with pancakes and after spending 4 hours playing with 3 toys and reading 5 books over and over again, both Sydney and I were really restless. It rained on and off all weekend, plus there is still an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease, so I kept Sydney inside all weekend. Luckily, our friend Sebastien invited us to lunch at a great Taiwanese restaurant so we had something to do for a couple of hours. But after Sydney's nap, she was climbing the walls. There was a point when she was literally trying to scale the wall in the dining room. I had bought a couple of Mickey Mouse DVDs in case things got desperate this weekend, and we reached that point at 3:21pm on Saturday.
I'll spare you the trials and tribulations of Sunday. Let's just say that I got my money's worth from the DVDs and that I was counting down the minutes until I can drop her off at school this morning.

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