Thursday, May 8, 2008

Random Thoughts and Pictures

My friend Jennifer and I took a cooking class recently at the Passionate Chef. I can't believe that I've been in China 11 months without learning how to make Chinese dishes. We were the only people signed up for class that day so the instructor, Lotus, put together a menu based on our preferences. Lotus is Shanghainese and had studied cooking in Europe and Thailand before returning to Shanghai and starting her cooking classes. I am looking forward to having you all over for a Chinese dinner when we get back to Dallas.

Our ayi bought Sydney some toys the other day. Some were not age appropriate, like candles, but it was very sweet of her to think of Sydney. She keeps asking me if I was planning to ship big items to the US too and I'm a bit nervous that more and bigger presents are forthcoming. I've graciously thanked her for the presents and explained that we don't have room to pack anymore things, which is very true. The ayi and I were talking about Sydney and I moving back to the US in 3 weeks and our ayi started crying, which got Sydney crying, which made the ayi cry even more. I know that our ayi will miss Sydney dearly and I really feel for her. But much less so after she let Sydney write all over a wall with a red pen and it won't wash off. She let Sydney write all over her pants today with markers and it didn't wash off and the pants had to be thrown away.

Sydney has been feeling a bit off lately. I've talked to her about our impending move but she didn't understand any of it. But she does sense that there is something going on as she sees the growing pile of things and boxes all over the house. I've been really stressed and distracted lately and I'm sure it registered with her. She's been a bit more emotional and needing more attention, hugs and cuddle time lately. Her teacher has also noted a change in her behavior. I've been enjoying the extra hugs and cuddle time --- it reminds me of what really matters and what is background noise.
I've been a bit worried about how Sydney will react to the big move. She was only 12 months old when we moved here and she really wasn't old enough to be attached to a place or people. But now that she is almost 2, she is much more aware and she has made several friends at school. Just in the last couple of months she has started to bond with her classmates. She talks about them when I ask her about her day at school and incorporates them in our stories. And she adores her teachers. I'm really sad for her to have to leave them all behind and start over. I'm going to a home that I have known for 7 years and to friends that I've known for years. She is going to a house that she probably doesn't remember and to people that she hardly knows. I keep having to remind myself that kids are resilient and that she will bond with her new teachers and other kids in Dallas.
I have spent the last 11 months looking for an Asian doll for Sydney -- not just in Shanghai, but also in Beijing, Hong Kong, Saigon, Siam Reap and Bangkok. Sydney has an Asian doll that she has had since she was 6 months and it is more of a baby doll. I have been looking for more of a toddler doll, and the only Asian doll that I have found was in Bangkok last week but she was dressed like a girl who is REALLY popular with the boys. Surprisingly and disappointingly, a vast majority of the dolls that I have found were either Barbies or caucasian dolls. I guess I'll have to buy an Asian doll after I leave Asia.

1 comment:

Tyra said...

We can't wait for your return!